Click on image to enlarge
This poster was displayed at our 2013 reunion.
The poster is 20” x 30” and can be printed at the Costco photo
center for under $10.00. You’ll need to download the image from
the link below, it will be downloaded as a zip file, make note of
where you download the file (usually your ‘Downloads’ directory).
Once downloaded find the ‘zip’ file and unzip it. It will create a
folder called “Hernandos Poster”, inside that folder will be a
‘tif’ file of the image. Take it to Costco on a DVD or USB stick.
You’ll be able to load it into their system and choose a
20” x 30” poster. They can print it out for you and you’ll have
your own poster.
If you have any questions Costco should be able to help you.
Hope you enjoy it!
hernando’s poster - 2013
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